2024 Tournament Rules & Regulations
The Stars Cup Female Hockey tournament is sanctioned by Hockey Manitoba. All tournament games are played under Hockey Winnipeg Rules. This includes major and minor penalty rules unless otherwise specified in the Stars Cup Tournament Rules and Regulations.
All referee decisions are final.
No Protests or Appeals are allowed.
All games times are final. There are no substitutions to the schedule.
Home team wears white jerseys, Away team wears dark jerseys. In the situation of a team only having one colour jersey, the other team is to accommodate and wear a different colour of jersey.
Without exception (this includes time required for injuries), the duration of a round robin game will not exceed a clock time of 60 minutes from the start of the game. We will be following Hockey Winnipeg Rules SR-7 #3 (Page 90) for the wind-down of the clock.
Procedure for terminating a game if there is insufficient ice time left to complete it:
When there are 4 minutes of ice time remaining for the game and more than 3 minutes remaining on the game clock, the timekeeper shall signal the On-Ice Officials and advise them that there is insufficient ice time left to finish the game.
On-Ice Officials shall immediately notify both teams that there are 2 minutes remaining in the game.
The timekeeper shall reset the game clock to show 2 minutes. Stop time shall be used unless the “Mercy Rule” is in effect, at which time “running time” shall apply.
Period length will be following Hockey Winnipeg standards: 12 minutes / 12 minutes / 15 minutes
No double shifting will be permitted, unless agreed upon by both Head Coaches and only when either team falls below 10 skaters. Any double shifting must be done fairly across the roster.
Teams must be ready to play 15 minutes before their scheduled game time. If a team is not ready to play, one goal will be granted to the opposing team and an additional goal for every five minutes thereafter. An automatic game default will be assessed after 15 minutes. The defaulting team will be assessed the maximum goal differential.
In order to ensure games are finished in the time allotted, there will no timeouts during round robin tournament play.
Mercy Rule: The maximum goal differential will be seven. In addition, the clock will begin running time with five minutes remaining in regulation time if the goal spread is five or more.
Round Robin scoring will be two points for a win and one point for a tie.
Any off-ice tournament issues must be in writing, signed by the head coach and presented to the Arena Convenor. Only those issues presented in this manner will be reviewed by the Arena Convenor and the Tournament Chair. This may include the following: clarification of rules and regulations; rosters; and/or replacement players.
Coaches and managers are responsible for their players conduct.
A team may use a temporarily promoted player to take the place of another registered player on the team who is injured, sick or has left the team. An affiliated player/temporarily promoted player must be from a division or category team lower than the team needing the temporary player.
If a player is suspended, they shall not be replaced by a temporary promoted player, with the exception to the team that only has one rostered goalie, and the goalie is the suspended player.
The sponsors of this tournament, its officials, arena management and all persons concerned with the tournament will not be held liable for any injury or accident which may be incurred by any player or team officials while participating in, coming to, or going from the tournament.
There is no overtime in round robin play or consolation games. Overtime will be played in medal games only.
Overtime will be decided through a shootout.
After each team has taken three shots (from three different players), if the score remains tied, the shootout will proceed to sudden victory.
Sudden victory is achieved by each team sending one additional shooter, should one team score and the other not, a winner will be declared. If they both miss or both score, another set of players will participate until one team has scored and the other has not.
★ No player may shoot twice until everyone who is eligible has shot.
★ Additional information:
» Away team starts
» The ice will not be resurfaced
» The teams will not change ends
» The teams will alternate shots.
IF playing in a division where all teams are played within group or division
In 2024, this applies to U9A1, U9A2, U11A1, U11A3, U13A1, U15A1, & U15A2 (3 or 4 team loop)
Head-to-head game results between the two or more teams tied will be the deciding factor
Formula will be used: TOTAL GOALS FOR divided by (TOTAL GOALS FOR + TOTAL GOALS AGAINST), multiplied by 100. This formula produces a percent and favours the team with the lowest goals against. The team with the highest percent wins the tiebreaker and advances.
f the above formula does not break the tie, the recorded time of each team’s first goal against in the first game of the round robin will be used to determine the team to advance. The team with the latest first goal against advances.
If the teams are still tied, a coin toss will determine the tie-breaker.
IF playing in a division where not all teams are played within division
In 2024, this applies to U9A3, U11A2, and U13A2
Formula will be used: TOTAL GOALS FOR divided by (TOTAL GOALS FOR + TOTAL GOALS AGAINST), multiplied by 100. This formula produces a percent and favours the team with the lowest goals against. The team with the highest percent wins the tiebreaker and advances.
If the above formula does not break the tie, the recorded time of each team’s first goal against in the first game of the round robin will be used to determine the team to advance. The team with the latest first goal against advances.
If the teams are still tied, a coin toss will determine the tie-breaker.
Novice Half Ice Development Program
Please see the attached link: https://www.hockeywinnipeg.ca/wpcontent/uploads/2021/10/U9HalfIceDevelopmentManual.pdf